Oh men what a debate the quota system has become, you can seriously see that there is a big division between the north and the rest of the country. The quota system is just a tip of the iceberg as far as addressing the inequalities of our society as a whole.
Bingu has to be applauded for taking this whole problem by the horn let us be realistic this problem has to be sorted out. As far as I can understand it,the whole idea is to make sure ten high performing students from each district are guaranteed a place at the university and the rest of the places have to be fought for on merit. Now please what is bad about this?
Funny enough most people that are posting their comments be it for or against the quota system have no proper information or have the proper information but deliberately twist it. It is obvious that those from the north feel they are being targeted whilst the rest of Malawi feel fairness is being done. Once you have a nation having the perception that the minority have an edge over the majority then you have a problem. Take Kenya, Luanda and Burundi just to mention a few. So until this philosophy that one tribe or region is superior to the other is permanently discarded and totally abandoned then there is going to be chaos. We seem to be on the right track voting on capabilities rather than the usual wakwithu syndrome that has engulfed Malawi in the past.
We are all Malawians and we need to first learn to look at ourselves as Malawians first before we divide ourselves into north, south or central region. The quota system is for the whole Malawi to benefit and we all as Malawians should rally behind it. I am not for or against the quota system but I think we should give it a chance see how it works out. The debate should be what criteria have to be followed when implementing the quota system.
It is understandable for some to feel disgruntled about the quota system especially Malawians from the north. However one has to have an insight as to where this issue if not sorted will lead to. Genocides start from such issues as inequality in the society that goes unchecked. Quota system is one way of addressing such issues of fairness. You can actually tell how much hatred there is by reading comments posted on the net. If these things go unchecked you end up with a scenario like in Kenya. So before you make a comment, think deep a little bit of lateral thinking. stop the hating, one love,one people.
Last but not least quota system in education = Quota system in development = Quota system in top positions, so don’t worry be happy. One Malawi Nation one people God bless Malawi.