Saturday 9 August 2008

The budget delay

I have noted with regret the conduct by the so called representatives of the people of Malawi in parliament. While their pockets are being filled with tax payers money for doing absolutely nothing they leave the masses to hang. Yes all of you need to sober up no one cares about your differences the issue who is wrong all right is beyond the scope of this discussion. Ordinary folks just want the budget. As much as i do not recommend the sentiments echoed by the president that he will send the army to shut down parliament if they Parliamentarians do not pass the budget. I can however understand the presidents frustrations. MP's need to stop being selfish and pass the budget surely they can then work their differences later. Remember people are watching i bet most of you will lose your seats and i hope you do, nothing personal but you have not served the people. My fellow Malawians let this be a lesson. Oh yes section 65 is important but the speakers hands are tied anyway so why bang on about it

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