Monday, 27 October 2008


there was a time when people would look at Asians and other foreigners in Malawi and castigate them calling them all sorts. Must admit i feel ashamed that i was one of them people, You know joining my peers. Now I am at the receiving end and i know better i am in a foreign country and i must say it is not nice. The Media, the politicians, the work place all around me they wont stop going on about foreigners coupled by the fact that alot of people are ignorant and have miss placed hate. And now the credit crunch has hit the town already they are blaming foreigners chasing them in their numbers yet it is their own people who milk the government of benefits. yeah some brag that they make more money sitting at home than working. Yet the reality is that they are mostly funded by foreigners who work long hours and hence pay lots of tax and national insurance. Be grateful you bustards for a change

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