Sunday, 30 November 2008

Food security award

Congratulations Bingu or should i say Ngwazi DR Bingu wa muthalika for the award that you have just been given. I am one of your biggest admires i like your vision i hope one day i get a chance to meet and discuss some of your achievements. i hope one day i will learn the secret to your success. Personally as a Malawian i am very proud that finally there is some one who really cares about the Malawian people lets be honest Bingu has done lots of things that Muluzi never dreamt of. I hope for the sake of our mother land you get to be given another 5 years mandate to govern and i should wish and hope that you will relinquish the post once you serve your time. All the best. To be honest i have to hand it to you for pulling it out despite all the frustrations that the opposition have caused you. i cant Begin to imagine what you would have achieved had you not been frustrated by the opposition. well read Nyasa times article about people eating mangoes because of starvation. Like many stories on Nyasa times its difficult to prove it and even though Bingu is making an effort to change things so that every one is empowered and not only a few business people. there are a lot of factors that affect people well being.Yeah some of you may wish to bring about the sec 65 issue i personally think that Bingu did not do anything wrong as you may recall he contested it at the courts and lost and it was within his rights to contest it as his government relied on it. Then the issue was passed on to the speaker of the house who was supposed to deal with the sec 65 but MP's who were going to be affected went and obtained injunctions which meant speaker of the house chimango's hands were tied.I think its more of a survival issue than a Constitution every body is trying to survive. Most Malawian politicians are in it for the money as evidenced at the squabbles going on at party nominations. Most of aspiring MPs don't give a shit about developing malawi only in it for the money. Another thing whats with this mp for life like MR Tembo since 60's as an MP i personally think that we need a whole revamp of the whole house of parliament bring in new blood and hence new ideas help the country move forward.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Why do i bother

Yeah come to think of it why do i bother i fight the impossible battle dreaming the impossible dream ahh well dreams aside i think everything is possible. Yeah i would like to be the one trying to sort all the problems of the world but i think it is impossible. Yeah was having a conversation wih my missus and pointed out all the things that i felt i could try and educate people about. You know what she said? 'leave them did they ask for your advice' Then it dawned on me that she was right. Why do i bother telling people what to think or how to get by most of them will never get to see things the way i see them. After all if God saw it fit to distribute wealth and intelligence differently then who am i to try and change that. I guess i just have to thank God for the wisdom and guidance. There was a time when all friends drunk beer lots of it and i was caught up in that predicament well you have to understad that to me that was high life cause that was all i new. Then there was a period when i was into women so much up to the point of obsession then i passed that fase got married and now have two children. When my second baby was born i stared noticing some changes in me wisdom started creeping in. The I realised for the first time that i could see things the way they are meant to be, instead of trying to change peoples perception i might as well change mine to suite them.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Congrants Tembo

Congratulation Mr Tembo for being selected or rather imposing yourself to be the MCP torch bearer. I just hope that this time if you lose you will give up the mantle to some one else. Especially the young look no offence but people of your generation have done enough all people of Malawi have nothing but respect. Must admit some hate you even for the things they suffered from the Kamuzu era as it was rumoured you were the kingpin then, deposing of other political opponents. honestly speaking it is wrong to just blame you because most of the beneficiaries of the MCP era moved to all other different parties they also were to blame. But enough of that now it is all in the past things have moved on. UDF also committed a lot of atrocities some even worse than the MCP but because they were busy greasing a lot of people most people looked the other way. Now Bingu Is being blamed for violating this and that and gets blamed really for not greasing a lot of people.

Ndirande complications

Just as i predicted it has started to happen in Ndirande complications from all the money politicians were scrambling to donate. History has it that we have very selfish and greedy people among us Malawians. It looks like it is being passed on from generation to generation. Instead of distributing the money fairly some have decided to have it to themselves. A word of advice never ever mess's up with some ones money really i wish there was more i could do to get this into peoples heads this simple advice which i shall repeat in italics to make sure you got it Never ever mess up with some ones money. Saddam messed up with peoples money look what happened to him they killed him and his family or some of it. Muluzi messed up with Bingu's money when he got him sacked from comesa look what happened he dumped the sucker. In the process Bingu messed up with Muluzi's Money and now Muluzi wants a pay back. All this Muluzi come back all the bullshit about being the peoples leader comes down to one simple fact Bingu messed up with his money and all those liches that follow him be it blindly or otherwise. well actuary most of them are clever lot in it for nothing but money. Personally i like them both Muluzi for his sense of humour generosity and Bingu for vision no nonsense altitude. Who do we vote for i am not sure really. If i vote for Muluzi i will get rich quick while everybody else is suffering whilst if i vote Bingu i will have to earn my living while everybody is also developing as well. I'm i really not sure? Ha ha ha I do not think so read between the lines.