Sunday, 30 November 2008

Food security award

Congratulations Bingu or should i say Ngwazi DR Bingu wa muthalika for the award that you have just been given. I am one of your biggest admires i like your vision i hope one day i get a chance to meet and discuss some of your achievements. i hope one day i will learn the secret to your success. Personally as a Malawian i am very proud that finally there is some one who really cares about the Malawian people lets be honest Bingu has done lots of things that Muluzi never dreamt of. I hope for the sake of our mother land you get to be given another 5 years mandate to govern and i should wish and hope that you will relinquish the post once you serve your time. All the best. To be honest i have to hand it to you for pulling it out despite all the frustrations that the opposition have caused you. i cant Begin to imagine what you would have achieved had you not been frustrated by the opposition. well read Nyasa times article about people eating mangoes because of starvation. Like many stories on Nyasa times its difficult to prove it and even though Bingu is making an effort to change things so that every one is empowered and not only a few business people. there are a lot of factors that affect people well being.Yeah some of you may wish to bring about the sec 65 issue i personally think that Bingu did not do anything wrong as you may recall he contested it at the courts and lost and it was within his rights to contest it as his government relied on it. Then the issue was passed on to the speaker of the house who was supposed to deal with the sec 65 but MP's who were going to be affected went and obtained injunctions which meant speaker of the house chimango's hands were tied.I think its more of a survival issue than a Constitution every body is trying to survive. Most Malawian politicians are in it for the money as evidenced at the squabbles going on at party nominations. Most of aspiring MPs don't give a shit about developing malawi only in it for the money. Another thing whats with this mp for life like MR Tembo since 60's as an MP i personally think that we need a whole revamp of the whole house of parliament bring in new blood and hence new ideas help the country move forward.

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