Wednesday 12 August 2009

My predicament

Well what a hell you give people a huge responsibility and they just muddle it up. First thing to do in life is to priorities yes priorities, priorities. It is common for the one who is observing to think that they have not set the priority's right. Yet everyone has priorities but how to arrange them varies and is what determines success or otherwise. A little bit of lateral thinking and might or not get it. One gets very pissed off because at first it looks like they are making a progress on the business and yet down the line there is no progress things have actually stalled. You would like to re ignite the fire within but feelings get hurt on the way besides life goes on. Well life goes on in such a way that just because they can not do the thing you expect from them does not mean that they should stop doing the other things they are good at. That's where the cliche that if you want things done right best do it yourself and it is right in this situation. We all have different perspectives on how we see life. One tries to influence the other party to aid their understanding and yet it's like hitting a brick wall. It is difficult to give good new ideas to old guard after all God saw i fit to distribute intelligence differently so who am I to try and change that. I guess its just me who need to change to adapt to this predicament that I have. It's not a situation one can get out off it is one that just needs diversification. Yeah it is time to leave the other party to what they do best and take away the other responsibilities without hurting their feelings. Of course they are clueless about their inability to progress and it is costing us a lot of time and money and emotionally as well. Admitting a problem is the first step but most of us can not even realise that we have a problem. Whats a man to do eehh!

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