Welcome to Anthu 4's world thanks for stopping by. This is an insight into my mind and my thoughts more like thinking aloud. I am a work in progress seeking perfection so do not throw stones at me unless you are perfect yourselves.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Quota System
Bingu has to be applauded for taking this whole problem by the horn let us be realistic this problem has to be sorted out. As far as I can understand it,the whole idea is to make sure ten high performing students from each district are guaranteed a place at the university and the rest of the places have to be fought for on merit. Now please what is bad about this?
Funny enough most people that are posting their comments be it for or against the quota system have no proper information or have the proper information but deliberately twist it. It is obvious that those from the north feel they are being targeted whilst the rest of Malawi feel fairness is being done. Once you have a nation having the perception that the minority have an edge over the majority then you have a problem. Take Kenya, Luanda and Burundi just to mention a few. So until this philosophy that one tribe or region is superior to the other is permanently discarded and totally abandoned then there is going to be chaos. We seem to be on the right track voting on capabilities rather than the usual wakwithu syndrome that has engulfed Malawi in the past.
We are all Malawians and we need to first learn to look at ourselves as Malawians first before we divide ourselves into north, south or central region. The quota system is for the whole Malawi to benefit and we all as Malawians should rally behind it. I am not for or against the quota system but I think we should give it a chance see how it works out. The debate should be what criteria have to be followed when implementing the quota system.
It is understandable for some to feel disgruntled about the quota system especially Malawians from the north. However one has to have an insight as to where this issue if not sorted will lead to. Genocides start from such issues as inequality in the society that goes unchecked. Quota system is one way of addressing such issues of fairness. You can actually tell how much hatred there is by reading comments posted on the net. If these things go unchecked you end up with a scenario like in Kenya. So before you make a comment, think deep a little bit of lateral thinking. stop the hating, one love,one people.
Last but not least quota system in education = Quota system in development = Quota system in top positions, so don’t worry be happy. One Malawi Nation one people God bless Malawi.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The dream
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
My predicament
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Does culture change
Thursday, 9 July 2009
been so long
Friday, 29 May 2009
Being Broke
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Malawi On The Move
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Finally it is done
Monday, 18 May 2009
Bingu for President
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Case of an idle mind
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Is malawi free
As far as our constitution if concerned Malawi is a free country. the problem with Malawi is our culture that is what makes Malawi look as if not free. Malawi people say what ever they want and express themselves freely. The problem comes about in the way we express such freedoms of expressions, with freedom comes responsibility. Our culture especially the conservatism of the few in Malawi does creep in and affect how people respond to anything.It is easy to confuse survival with dictatorship for common sense is not always common. Most people in Malawi consider themselves intelligent. What most people fail to realise is that their intelligence is mostly based on academic progress and qualification. In other words Most educated people in Malawi are narrow minded. The uneducated are also narrow minded but can be excused as they do not have the luxury Of being Properly Informed. It is a shame that most educated people once they join the decision making positions they end up being as corrupt as the very people they are trying to change.
If you consider yourself educated or having rights, this and that then you will realise that the other person might have rights and feelings just like you. You would also realise that Malawi has it's culture and a balance needs to be achieved between the freedom of expression and so forth with the essential needs of our culture. It is easy to criticise but if tables were turned would you take it. Would you not say it would be good to offer alternatives rather than just criticise. Any fool can criticise. Judgement is always done on ones standards which often prevents us from understanding the other person better. For example some one is caught having sex with another person on camera and the video gets exposed and the whole country knows about it. most people be it Conservative or not will condemn it in Malawi. I big will on the other hand will definitely jump at the chance to see it. To me this is original art at it's best armature porn is very sought after ha ha ha. Here is a crash of cultures not that Malawi's not free, but most Malawians expectations are that it is an abomination. It is just the way we were brought up but don't worry things are changing.
Mind you if you asked most men separately they will tell you that they will record themselves sleeping with a girlfriend if given a chance. So if you know you are doing something on the edge be very careful of your environment and security. There are alot of weird things that goes on in Malawian homes but as long as they can keep it locked in the closet no one cares.so next time before you go about doing what ever you like consider our culture and where you are. Malawi is free but our culture is yet to change to reflect that. Still we need to preserve our culture and all liberals just need to make a compromise and everyone is happy.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Mbuli za chuma
The winners of a marathon are determined at the end not the beginning. Lucius Banda sang about some mbuli zachuma you know the ones who when they have run around and earn a few thousand quid they think they are on top of the world. So amakwera chulu and start slagging other people. You see progress is determined by alot of factors not just by how many pha pha's you have in your drive way. It is also not determined by how much you slug off and humiliate your wife. Yeah making the partner feel insecure and planting ones inferior complex on the other half. A case of having a small dick and trying to make it up with speed or blaming the wife for having a big pussy. Yet on average the wife has a normal pussy, the dick is just too small. Man deal with your problems do not take it out on anyone.
If you are one of them twats who think you are much better than other people then stay like that. The fact is every one is much better than everyone. When you walk with kings do not lose the common touch. If you are one of those women who is putting up with shit from your loser men then dump the fucker he probably do not deserve you. You only leave once.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
UDF, MCP and Briefcase Parties
Constantly detached from reality on the ground these Opposition politicians; and human rights organisations alike. Not forgetting political analyst, each paper has their own just like all psychics preying on your fears and beliefs telling you what you would like to hear. Every one is entitled to their opinion and many have made their opinion heard and if you peruse the Nyasa times they are not short of comments for and against the coalition. Even the other papers have their own political analyst just merely reflecting on who ever they represent or more like their paymaster.
The fact of the matter is that things on the ground have changed Malawians voted for Muluzi after MCP because afford was a useless party promoting regionalism and people had no choice, no one cared. In the end that wakwithu syndrome forced people to vote along regional lines. Then in 1999 people had started shifting realising that UDF was just full of criminal’s not just criminal’s but dumbest criminal’s. Imagine some one in their right mind putting donor money in their account. 1.7 billion Kwacha in Zomba National Bank. Would it not show on the records, how thick is that? To be a thief you have to know how to steal, so you can say it wasn’t you.
Fast forward to 2004 people had enough of UDF Bingu won through cheating by the UDF as revealed by themselves after bingu dumped them. You see people did not want anything to do with UDF they were tired of politicians just cracking jokes while everyone was starving even donors started to withdraw their money due to corruption. A president going around with boxes of fake money, giving out 50 kwacha’s; and going home smiling thinking in his deluded mind that people like him. Yet things were to the contrary as evidenced by the rejection of his open and third term bids.
In the end Bingu turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Bingu dumped UDF and the rest is history. While Muluzi was busy winging and crying bingu was busy developing the country setting it forward for the future. Bingu knew that the way to Malawians hearts is through development. We are very proud people and we want what’s best for our country.
Now comes the elections as expected Muluzi is trying to fool Malawians he thinks he can just give us 50 kwacha’s and we allow him to stand. Our constitution says otherwise but he still wants to stand. Not to contribute to our society but to wreck revenge on Bingu for dumping him (Muluzi) and his party. This time around it is written on the wall he knows is it, I know it and so do you. Oh yeah anyone out there that wants to adopt this clinger (Muluzi)? we don’t need him anymore. You can just come and get this clinger, judge Esmie chombo would not even object. We will even pay you for the cost of the adoption. You don’t even need to stay in Malawi not even one day men we are tired of this guy. Please, please, come get him.
Now Muluzi has realised that he can not only stand, but can not win, he has decided to form an alliance with MCP his alleged arch enemy. Tembo also has so much fear of Bingu. They both opposition parties have tried but to no avail to oust bingu for the past 5years the rest is history. But it really does raise the question of how much fear and loathing the opposition parties must be going through at the moment if such a grand coalition is what they feel is necessary to uproot Bingu. You might even argue this alone is testimony to how popular Bingu has become. My prediction is that MCP and UDF plus all other brief case parties are going to be whipped clean. I hope they will be man enough to take the loss. We have had enough of court injunctions. Malawians are wiser now so beware of a new Malawi we are going to exercise our rights.
Now the choice is easier for Malawians greed revenge or development a tough one eeh! Ha ha ha lol.
I love you all to the maximum
If you don’t dig, lets agree to disagree
God bless Malawi
Friday, 10 April 2009
Madonna and the Adoption (My Thoughts)
The judge said in the ruling.“Whilst there is a felt need to open a window for inter-country adoption there is a caution and clearly some felt tension between the rights of the child to adequate welfare and the need to protect the subject of the adoption,”
I was surprised with the ruling because in reality Malawi has no proper laws governing the adoption of kids be it by foreigners or Malawians themselves. So far the laws are by far outdated and irrelevant to this day and age.
The issue is to safeguard the well being of children and prevent trafficking of vulnerable children. This is a different case all together in that Madonna has adopted already in Malawi the most famous Malawian kid so far, namely David Banda. All eyes are on Madonna and evidence so far shows that she is looking after him well and now she wanted a Daughter to play with David. As much as I understand they want to protect children from exploitation by traffickers, the records show there were 4 other kids adopted to America from Malawi. I wonder under what circumstance they were granted those adoptions.
Judge Chombo should have put the welfare of the child first, because yes Madonna is single but, is it not better than having no mother at all? The issue of parents living with the child in Malawi for 18 to 24 months is a non starter for one thing people have to earn a living and this should only apply to people residing in Malawi. Oh yeah Just remembered Muluzi adopted Kids when he was President I can not remember them kids living with Muluzi for 18 to 24 months before being adopted. Why was that not done? Probably because Muluzi was the president and an exception was made. Should it not be the case here to make an exception after all Madonna has already adopted another child under the same laws?
The issue at hand should be starting a debate on the way forward. Personally I would say let this kid (Mercy) go with Madonna but the country should now look into changing its laws on adoption to reflect this day and age. Do you really think that 18 to 24 months is a problem for pedophile? This is what they pedophiles do, they groom kids for years. A pedophile can come and stay with the kid in Malawi and not show their true colors knowing fully well that they are being monitored. Once in their home country they can start showing their true colors. This law has loop holes and really does not protect kids from harm.
It's high time the government change the laws and get all the stake holders involved. Furthermore the government needs to create relationships with outside countries with robust child services. A child services department if not in place already should be there to liaise with other child services in foreign countries. The government needs to do enhanced back ground checks of any prospective parents in their countries through the police, social services and any other stake holders in those countries. Save the children UK can be one of such stake holders since they are in a lot of countries and they care about the plight of all children. Follow ups should also be done on adopted children to see how they are doing. There is more that needs doing and these are just some of them.
I hope for the sake of the child (mercy) Madonna will appeal and i hope the child's welfare will be considered carefully. Now a guy claiming to be Mercy's dad has come up and say he wants his daughter. In the first place this girl should go no where near this guy. If it is true that he impregnated a minor he should be prosecuted for statutory rape for sleeping with a minor. Where has he been all this time? I for one hate rapist of any kind and this guy if he is what he says he is need to be put away before he does the same thing to some other unsuspecting girl. It is a shame that poverty and ignorance as far as the law is concerned is costing our country of these young girls. They are induced by monetary rewards that these chidya makandas (paedophiles) offer them. some only offer them as little as a bar of soap some just a meal like chicken and chips. For now i will leave it there because it is beyond the scope of this discussion.
Kaliati's apologies
Oh yeah the issue about her assaulting some tart messing with her husband and you still blame her. Ha Ha Ha and you wonder why Malawians are dying of HIV/Aids? We should be praising her for raising the alert on women who prey on other women's husbands; and as well husbands who sleep around. To know it all is to forgive all. Most of you, who criticise Kaliati, have no idea what it was like growing up like her, having the same background. I am sure if most of you had the same back ground would have grown up to be just like her. You have no idea what it is like to be a tough woman in a male dominated environment. I am sure you would be just like her. Let us all forgive and forget. If you feel you have never been at fault then throw the first stone. I like honorable Kalati to bits and I think she deserve a round of applause for having some balls to admit her mistakes.
Hate her or love her the girl is on top and she will shine as a woman who kicked some butt. One love,I think women are smarter than most men in this life. you dig?
Ps,... it is a good thing to realise ones mistake hope you will stop swearing like you said you will there is really no need. Just find another way to put your point across. Other wise all the best on the 19th.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Thief and the Beast

It did not come as surprise to hear that the thief and the beast have come up to join forces In this, forth coming elections. I would say things are very interesting and very sad. Interesting because Muluzi the thief said he will never work with Tembo the beast, as Muluzi felt that Tembo has got too much blood on his hands. It’s amazing how the same Tembo is now forging an alliance with Muluzi. If I remember correctly Muluzi had Tembo arrested and imprisoned for the Mwanza murders, but he Tembo was acquitted. I am sure Tembo has that in mind and from what I have gathered about his personality he harbours grudges. I can see this turning out like Muluzi and Bingu saga where Bingu dumped Muluzi soon after being elected.
Muluzi will never learn he chose Bingu who was an outsider instead of choosing some senior figures within the party. Now this time around Muluzi decides to impose himself on UDF claiming the people voted for him when in actual fact he stole the mantle from Chilumpa through intimidation and unfair election practises. Now comes the section 83 evidently the law does not allow him to stand but, as with the case with most delusional people he thought he could manipulate the laws and still thinks Malawians want him back in power. Funny thing is the opinion of many Malawians is of the contrary. When MEC refused Muluzi to stand he thought people were going to riot but it went silently because it is not about Malwians but one man clinging to power. There are some deluded Malawians who still follow Muluzi some of them well informed but with minds corrupted by greed and Envy. I can no longer blame my fellow malawians in villages as it has been known that they villagers can make the right chice. It is the so called educated people who are at fault, apparantly greedy and corrupt irespective of education and exposure they still come out as Educated but un learned. Obviously Bingu pissed of some people in UDF by dumping them, nothing personal just business. In fact it is because of greed by Muluzi that Bingu dumped UDF. If he Muluzi could just retire and leave other people to run the country none of this problems would surface.
Now Muluzi is out to revenge against Bingu not to contribute to Malawi’s quest for development. Come to think of it, all the money that Muluzi has spent on his campaign for re-election is huge. This money could have been better spent on helping the poor people of Malawi if at all he gives a shit about them. He would have even spent the money on his party to strengthen it.
Now instead of UDF as a party to select a new leader they are now contemplating an alliance with the beast himself(Tembo). Mpinganjira cleverly aligned himself to Tembo knowing well that Muluzi was not going to be allowed to stand. However there seems to be a problem with UDF people with BJ as a running mate which will just mess up the whole sitiuation. UDF appears to be a shadow of its own, the once Mighty UDF has been reduced to scraping for what ever alliances just to get back to power. In my view this is the end of UDF as a party, believe me Tembo is no fool he will dump UDF once in power just like Bingu did. Bingu did the right thing. The best way forward for UDF would have been to choose a new leader and face the elections as a seperate entity, yes they will loose but they would have concentrated on rebuilding their party.
UDF is an embarrassment to our society. It is a party that has been reduced to a family entity more like a monarchy. All meetings are done at Muluzis residence in BCA hill. What happen to the UDF offices. How can party members, express themselves freely in such an environment. Oh yeah another one is Tembo running MCP like his own family entity all meetings done at his area 10 residence. Come on people if these leaders can not be democratic in their own parties so imagine what they will do to the common Malawians.
You might say people change but these two will never change evidenced by their behaviour over the past five years. Shooting down the budgets over five years, forgetting that it is the electorate that voted for them in the first place. Muluzi wants just to revenge for being dumped and he wants also to enrich himself more like last time. While Tembo also wants to revenge on Bingu for not letting him to have his on way on section 65.
Alliances should be made to help the people of Malawi not to enrich a few and certainly not for revenge. Alliances should be made to defeat the three most enemies of our nation Hunger, Disease and Envy. Alliances should not be made to settle old scores or to promote greed. In all this alliance is ill intentioned and definitely not in the interest of Malawians. I personally think that Bingu will win and defeat both Muluzi and Tembo. MCP got so many votes because people were tired of UDF and its Leadership. Now People are obviously tired of Muluzi clinging to power and Tembo should not count on the centre because now people have choices and are wiser. My fellow Malawians, Malawi is now changing. By 2014 we should have different leadership, in all the parties we need fresh faces new approaches. I know for a fact that Bingu promised to retire so if he wins he will pass on the helm to some one else by 2014. I hope all other party leaders will follow suit once you lose an election it is good to give a chance to some one else.
Bingu has his problems for he is only human just like everyone else and he only goes for those who are after him. Compared to MCP rule when ordinary Malawians were being fed to crocodiles and during UDF years young democrats were beaten up people in broad day light and terrorising ordinary people. Besides the courts are independent so people can go prove their innocence.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
UDF Retreat and the Malawian Dream
Personally do not have any problem with UDF as whole because I know there are decent few people in there left like kaka chilumpa and others who openly challenged Muluzi. It is high time Muluzi realise, you can only push people so much especially Malawians. UDF is full of Crooks who will do anything to get into government again. They need to rip off Malawians again. What most people in Malawi fail to understand is that times are now moving and the culture is changing. Soon we will be rid of tarts like these UDF governors and other people with blind royalty toward leaders.
I have a dream that one day all previous presidents will no longer want to cling to power way past their mandated time. I have a dream that one day blind royalty by people like Thom likambale and UDF regional governors over leaders like Muluzi or any other leader would no longer exist among Malawians. I have a dream that one day Malawians would no longer vote on regional lines or district lines but rather on the ability and policies of the one standing for office. I have a dream that one day Members of parliament would no longer serve their political masters but rather serve their true master that is the electorate. I have a dream that one day Malawians would choose wisely and vote for legislators who will represent the interest of their electorate and actually make a difference in their constituencies. I have a dream that one day all the media will be independent and report freely without favour or fear. I have a dream that one day I will be able to sleep in my house soundly without fear of any armed robbers. I have a dream that one day I will be able to run a shop or pub without fear of my hard earned money being stolen by thieves. I have a dream that one day all Malawians would be able to look at Malawians as Malawians and not divide us along tribal and regional lines. I have a dream that one day Nkoma synod and Livingstonia synod will be able to iron out their differences. I have a dream that one day all women will be treated as equals to men. I have a dream that one day all political parties will be very democratic and allow their membership to exercise their God given rights. I have a dream that one day HIV/AIDS will be eradicated amongst our society. I have a dream that one day Africans will be treated as equals to the rest of the world. I have a dream that one day Malawi will be a better place with lots of opportunities. I also have a dream that one day witchcraft will be a thing of the past and that all Malawians will work hard to earn a living. I also have a dream that most Malawians will learn to take calculated risks and abandon the culture of copying for the sake of it.
I had these dreams while awake and I hope my fellow Malawians will share with me these dreams and I know they will come true soon or later. Every one has dreams in Malawi some dreams come true some don’t but keep dreaming don’t give up.
One Love, One Malawi, One People
God bless Malawi
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Aids and the blame on the British
Blame should also be on our culture or rather the guardians of our culture. What good is a culture that prevents parents from discussing sex issues with their kids? What good is a culture that prevents adverts about sex from being aired on freely on the radio or TV? What good is a culture that glorifies a man for sleeping around? What good is a culture that is costing so many innocent women’s lives? Yeah most women are very faithful and are usually home and the men go and sleep around coming home with all sorts of sexually transmitted diseases. Innocent kids are left to fend for themselves, their extended families at the fore front seizing all the property and any wealth that their parents might have accumulated for their kids. In the end the kids seeking refuge at an orphanage, if they are lucky. The not so lucky kids just fall prey to all sorts of abuse like rape, child trafficking, prostitution, physical abuse etc.
It is high time we Malawians take responsibility, I know the government is doing its bit but there is more that can be done to educate people about HIV/AIDS. People need to be given proper information so that they can make well informed choices. Adult illiteracy is one of the biggest problems. Educating the youth more about HIV/AIDS, parents need to abandon these rubbish cultures and face up to reality. Would you not rather your child learn more about sex from you than from his friends? It is a matter of life and death here, the whole future of your children, grand children, and great grand children is at stake here. It is also time for Africans to be accountable for our actions stop blaming everyone else. Point the finger where it belongs yeah yourselves. We all know how to prevent this deadly disease I will spell it out to you ABSTAIN if you can not then WEAR A CONDOM, better still get one partner and BE FAITHFULL TO YOUR PARTNER, that includes you men. Stop being selfish think of your kids and family what will become of them. Oh one other thing charities stop spending money on yourselves, like buying luxury cars when the money can be better spent on the people who need it most. There should be a balance between these cultures and what really needs doing. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Men need to change their altitude to reflect the times these are no longer the times for men to be sleeping around. Women also need to do their bit these are not the times to put up with cheating men HIV/AIDS is real, stay alive.
It annoys me more to see that a few peoples conservatism is allowed to shape the direction of our society. Young people some how should be empowered to participate fully in shaping our society today. I think we spend too much time worrying about the future so much so that we forget today. It is only in doing something today that we shape the future the way want it. I welcome the vision or concept by Ngwazi Dr Bingu Wa Muthalika of involving the youth today. The Ngwazi went on to say that he does not agree with the concept that the young people are the Leaders of tomorrow but rather that they are the readers of today. I hope if he wins in the next general election he will honour his words and involve a lot of qualified youth in the running of the government and other positions of influence. Actually it is about time you saw what our elders can do in parliament just like a bunch of jerks. I think its time for women and the youth to take over. Come on the youth and women lets take over and show these fools how it’s done.
Madonna's Adoption Saga
Well I beg to differ you see this guy from save the children has no idea what it is like to be in an orphanage in Malawi. Think about the loneliness being parentless as the case with this child. Now in comes a Samaritan offering this child a loving home and a chance for a family. What ever reason Madonna is doing these adoption does not matter, the fact is she is trying to give this girl a chance of a better life. Come on, think about it the fact that the child is in a orphanage means that the extended family if she has any are not capable of taking care of her. Besides as much as we have extended families in our culture in Malawi not every family has an extended family. There are a lot of factors that are contributing to the erosion of our culture as far as extended families are concerned. Firstly there is this HIV/AIDS pandemic, a shift in peoples cultures due to influence from western cultures and financial constraints People are facing and so forth.
I can not entirely blame the Save the Children UK for their stance for they just like everybody else have their own opinion. Celebrities are also their main source of their income, three quarters of which is spent on the organisations themselves living in luxury. I think Madonna has done a good thing starting a debate on the way forward for the plight of orphan’s globally. What save the children are advocating could be seen as discrimination in such that they see a white person adopting a poor African child as some thing morally wrong and yet If Madonna adopts a European child there is nothing wrong with that. We can not choose where we are born, but just because you were born in Malawi dos not mean that you are not entitled to experience a different way of life. Irrespective of being a Malawian this child should have the same rights as every other British orphan. Culture is something that we all pick up along the way as we struggle through life. Human beings can be shaped by their surrounding but that’s why we have education. We get educated and learn as we go through life plus knowledge passed from parents; we eventually reach point where we make well informed choices.
Save the children Fund should now look at it self and realise that times are changing throwing aid to Africans has shown that it is not working. The concept that some how the money used to adopt and raise this child would help her in her present environment is a non starter. This Malawian child is no wild animal that she should need to be left in her environment to flourish and prosper. This might be a chance for this kid for a better life and lots of opportunities. Malawi has about a million orphans surely if some one comes to offer one child a home and chance for a better education and a family that she can call her own. I thought save the children was there to save the children from harm but now it looks like it is Save the Children from better prosperous future. We Africans no longer need survival we need empowerment need to be self sufficient. If you charities really want to help then lobby your governments for fair trade help empower African people. It would be most helpful if you learn to treat us like equals, an African orphan should have the same basic human rights like a European orphan.
In all Madonna is making her adoption application in Malawi and it is only here in Malawi that, the final decision can be made. We Malawian know what’s best for Malawians. Culture should no longer be a barrier or an excuse for denying a child a chance of having a family she can call her own. British or Malawian orphans should have the same opportunities in life. It should not be a case of where one is born rather the ability of the one adopting to give that child the best life possible. It is not the case of money rather the love and comfort of a family. Every child deserves a happy home irrespective of who they are. After all this kid is so young does not even have a clue what culture is at the moment, she is innocent she will have to learn everything from start. I think that’s a good thing . When she grows up she will make up her own mind what’s wrong or right which culture to follow. Culture should not be forced on any child rather every child should be able to make well informed choices of how they lead their lives.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Bakili Muluzi delt a blow
I think Muluzi knew he was going to be refused to run again you see when the other UDF gurus orchestrated to refuse him the third term it did not go well with him so he vowed to revenge, What better way to revenge than to pick an outsider in the name of Bingu Wa Muthalika. Unfortunately it backfired for Bingu is no puppet and dumped Muluzi's party. This really pissed off Muluzi he has tried everything to get rid of Bingu for the past 5 years. He has frustrated Bingu’s government in parliament coupled by his yes bwana MP's who really in my view were just promoting party agendas instead of looking out for the people who ushered them to parliament. A lot of bills have gone not being debated with the opposition prioritising section 65. To my knowledge the section 65 is still in court through an injunction from MP's affected. Muluzi's UDF and those zombies from MCP, zombies because they can not think on their feet just do as they are told by John Tembo. These zombies prioritised the section 65 when in fact the speaker’s hands were tied by the injunctions obtained by Yunus Mussa and his fellow MP’s. So in reality there was no violation of the constitution and you wonder what Tembo was on about saying Bingu has a case to answer. I bet Tembo saw that as an opportunity to get the presidency through the back door. Because the plan was for Tembo to run the transition government, that is if Bingu was successfully impeached. The impeachment initiated by Lucius Banda I wonder what the hell he was thinking, oh I know he wanted to be given a ministerial post. It’s sad for I thought he was going there to fight for the poor people of balaka or at least I thought he was. Now Lucius is as corrupt as Muluzi himself. Good thing for him is he has a talent for music please stick to the day Job Lucius. Oh by the way you are still one of my favourite singers and nothing personal I just hope you learn from those mistakes.
Eventually Muluzi knew he could not defeat Bingu, then he decided that if he was going to go down he might as well take UDF down with him. So he decided to run for UDF presidency as their torch bearer knowing full well he was not going to be allowed to stand for the third time. He just did not want anyone In UDF to run for president If he fails they all fail since it will be too late to field another candidate. I fail to understand the logic of these leaders instead of showing the nation their good side and what they can do or alternatives to Bingu's way of ruling, they were busy shooting down the budget at the expense of ordinary Malawians. Yeah remember us Malawians you did not even give toss about us in parliament now its time to rip what you saw, you gonna loose fools we will be laughing.
I hope all you Malawians will choose wisely this time we do not need fools in parliament women maybe you can make a difference. Come on I urge you women to get elected to parliament and show these Zombie MP's how it is done. Oh yeah UDF MP's are also Zombie's too far up Muluzi's arse don't now what’s wrong or right, increasingly detached from reality and the electorate. MP's now, the spot light is on you I think they should introduce a concept of recalling MP's there should be transparency and accountability. If you look at it seriously MP's are only accountable to their party and not the electorate. Most get elected into parliament and do nothing but corruption and enrichment; yes we end up voting them out at the next election but in the end 5 lost years of no development. Whilst if we could hold them into account and recall these fools, maybe we could knock some sense into them. Don't get me wrong I know there are some MP's who actually do things to change their areas but they are few and far between.
At least finally Malawians are witnessing the democracy that we fought for we should fight for our ideals no more third term for Muluzi. It is a matter of principal and now my fellow Malawians lets go and vote in numbers and re elect Bingu and see wonders as for Nyondo I like his style keep an eye out for him in 2014 I just think his timing was a bit wrong he should have waited for 2014 because all candidates will be new to the electorate as far as the presidency is concerned So his chances will be high. Unfortunately now no one can give the running of the country to a little known man, when there is a better alternative in Ngwazi Bingu Wa Muthalika. However on second thought Nyondo might have done a good move because now every one will know him now. I however think he will get miserly votes like Bingu did when he first run for president. It seems like he is trying to do an Obama style, a relative outsider taking over the reigns of power. But I am afraid that the country is not ready yet for this phenomenon, most people who vote in Malawi are people in the village and I am afraid promises would not amount to anything. You see Muluzi promised a lot of things and did not fulfil them so now people are very sceptical these days. Anyway all the best and God bless Malawi
Women's suffering
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Risk taking
It saddens me to note that my fellow Malawians are not risk takers rather would like to follow. I keep arguing with my brother that he should join my way of thinking of pursuing his own business. But he like most people tends to be cautious with his approach to life. Does not like to take the risks, well in a way I can understand his way of thinking. It comes from the old generation approach to life where they invest all their money in their children in the hope that they get education and go into work. Its amazing that we were raised the same way but have a very different approach towards life where as I believe in taking risks and my views does seem a little bit controversial because I don’t believe in rules traditional and norms that where made 100 years ago irrelevant to this day and age. My brother on the other end is very traditional in his beliefs and follows the cultures and norms like a ritual. Where as I appreciate the need to observe and follow our cultures I also believe in changing those cultures to reflect the time and day. Come on parents of today, should change their perception towards school and their children as a whole. It should be now that children go to school to make some thing of them selves. Parents should promote risk taking in children.
I remember my late uncle who is my inspiration and behind my approach to life. Where as my dad would say that you need capital to start a business my uncle would say you do not need Capital to start a business. I must admit my Uncle was arrogant in nature, but he was very clever and business oriented. He was a self made millionaire. He taught me a lot in our encounters though few as I was I young during his prime. I remember he came home to see his sister who was my mother but she was not there. He found me watching a Bruce Lee movie and he said to why waste time watching these useless movies instead of thinking of ways of how to make money. He went on to emphasise that only fools are ones who wait for capital to start business, one has to be clever. Then I was a bit young to grasp what he was on about. But as I grew up it made a lot of sense and it transformed my life. I found myself leaning more towards his way of thinking and I combined his way of thinking and my dads. I have also learned to look at who ever I come across as better than me in that I learn of them and take their best bits and make it my own.
It is my hope that more and more people would wake up and take more risks in
It is not like people can not think on their feet but rather people do not venture in something that involves risk taking. People don’t want to lose their hard earned money. They would rather venture in an idea that has already been tried and tested, one that can show that someone is making money out of it. What most tend not to realise is that in the end the market becomes very saturated and yes they may not lose their money but can not make any meaningful progress it just becomes a game of survival. Diversification is what most people need and imagination and most of all risk taking is good. I actually mean calculated risk not reckless investing. Come on take a gamble.